Welcome to Crime Time Inc, where we delve into the fascinating world of crime investigation and the valuable lessons it can teach us about life.

Join us as we explore insights from experts like Martin Lupton, a former Scenes of Crime Officer with Strathclyde Police, who shares his experiences and wisdom gathered throughout his years of service. We had a lengthy and amazing session with him last night, and through his stories, we uncovered the crucial role that attention to detail plays in crime scene investigation, where every piece of trace evidence can be the key to solving a case, and bringing a perpetrator to justice.

Martin played a crucial role in the investigation of the murder of Amanda Duffy in Hamilton, Lanarkshire and the murder of 8 year old Mark Cummings by notorious paedophile Stuart Leggate. Martin actually took the Police photograph of smirking killer Leggate that is regularly seen in the press (Pictured above).

The work of SOCOs and others in gathering and preserving evidence with care and precision serves as a powerful reminder that diligence and thoroughness can make a lasting impact. Just as DNA evidence from decades past continues to bring closure to cold cases, (The capture of Angus Sinclair for the Worlds End murders is a prime example) the importance of doing things right the first time resonates in all aspects of our lives.

 In a world where time is a precious commodity, taking that extra moment to approach tasks with care and consideration can yield significant rewards. Whether it be in our personal endeavors, relationships, or overall well-being, the mantra of "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right" rings true.

 As we draw parallels between the meticulous work of crime investigators and our everyday experiences, let us reflect on the significance of giving our best in all that we do. By infusing a bit more thoughtfulness and attention into our actions, we pave the way for greater satisfaction, success, and fulfillment in our pursuits.

 At Crime Time Inc, we invite you to explore the intersection of crime investigation and life itself, where valuable lessons await to inspire and guide us on our journey.

Simon McLean
Simon McLean
Ex Under Cover Detective