At first glance it seems that in spite of our War on Drugs, the billions spent on enforcement and our criminal justice system globally, our policies of prohibition and our best efforts to educate our citizens not to use drugs, we find ourselves at this juncture, after 53 years. Since the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 was introduced.

We have record drugs deaths on our streets, ever increasing amounts of drugs available on our streets, and drugs with increasing potency and associated dangers. The organised crime gangs and dealers continue to make vast amounts of cash from the misery they bring to our communities, affecting all of our lives directly and indirectly. They threaten the very institutions and foundations of our society through corruption and the influence their wealth provides them.

But you would be wrong. None of this is in spite of our best efforts. This worsening situation, and spiral into oblivion, is caused by enforcement. We have created the illicit market where we have no control or influence. What is being sold, the price, content and potency are totally out of our hands. Who is being supplied is a mystery until they enter the criminal system, and every time we declare a seizure as a success we have just increased the inevitable competition for market share and brought more violence to our communities.

When our so called leaders admit that enforcement is creating and sustaining the problem then we can talk about remedies. Until then we are lumbered with their rhetoric and lies which may win votes, but at a horrific cost in ruined lives. It's time for the truth.

Simon McLean
Simon McLean
Ex Under Cover Detective