I had a very interesting interview with the Chairman of the Scottish Police Federation earlier this week. 
I had a very interesting interview with the Chairman of the Scottish Police Federation earlier this week. 
Firstly thank you to David Threadgold for his time and candour, and also the office staff for their 
We touched om numerous subjects of course and Davids enthusiasm and passion were refreshing to 
me, as I remember a much older Federation who were a touch less transparent, to my mind at any rate. 
The shock for me was to realise just how bad things have become behind the Thin Blue Line. A line 
that seems to get thinner and more fudged all the time.  He explained graphically that we really are 
providing a response service now as more and more duties and responsibilities are piled onto the 
service. Something unthinkable by myself and my peers of only 20 years ago.
We called it a fire service, when all we would do was respond to emergency calls and incidents as and 
when required. No street presence, no responsibility for your own beat or patch, no engagement with 
the schools, clubs and organizations that form and bind a community.  
The fact that it has happened so quickly is a damning indictment of our politicians and so called 
leaders who have allowed our service to be used and over burdened by health matters and cries for 
help from every section of society, when there should be other resources to help and deal with them 
who do not need to be sworn officers of the law.
It's surely time to address this dreadful situation and ensure that our police service can again be a 
reassuring presence on our streets. There is no better deterrent to would be criminals, but life size 
pictures of cops in retail shop windows is no substitution for the real thing.
Simon McLean
Simon McLean
Ex Under Cover Detective